Interview with Toehider: ' my relationship ended, my old band ended, I needed to do something to stop me from drinking so much. I bought some home recording equipment and just got busy'


Toehider photo band

We interviewed Mike Mills, a member of Toehider, an Australian progressive rock band formed by singer Mike Mills with graphic designer Andrew Saltmarsh. On April 9th ​​Toehider releases his fourth album 'I like it' through the Bird's label.

Hello, thanks for the interview. How are you?

I’m great, thanks!

How was Toehider born?

From a few different factors, the previous band I was in was falling apart and home recording equipment was getting cheaper, so the idea of doing everything myself became more and more appealing. I met illustrator Saltmarsh via an Aussie prog forum he ran called OzProg, and we went from there.

You make very eclectic music, what are your influences?

Lots of that 70s progressive rock like Yes and Jethro Tull, Queen, a lot of 80s bands.. I love how Queen and the Beatles had a lot of variation on their albums, I try to do the same.

On April 9th comes 'I like it', your fourth album, but it would actually be album number 20. You recorded 12 albums in 2008 !! Can you explain how you were able to do something like that?

It was an emotional time, my relationship ended, my old band ended, I needed to do something to stop me from drinking so much. I bought some home recording equipment and just got busy! I had lots of ideas that were never used for other projects so I just experimented. Some turned out great, some...not so great! But it doesn’t matter, the point was the adventure.


How is the reception of your single "Here's There ... And then does that" being being?

It’s been good! People seem to be connecting to that song.

I see that Mike Mills plays all the instruments, while Andrew is in charge of the design. Have you had any help either from Andrew or outside to record the instrumentation?

Musically no but thematically yes, quite often we bounce ideas back and forth about ideas for stories and subjects.


How was the writing and recording process for the album? Do you compose both, or is there only one main composer?

The songs are written by me and all the art is by Saltmarsh. I take care of all the audio production stuff too.

Does Andrew play an instrument? What is his job when you are on tour?

We’ve had him on side of stage drawing on big canvases for a few shows, sometimes he helps out with backstage/production stuff.

How do you play live, I suppose you will work with session musicians?

Yep for Australia I have Nick Delaney on bass, Arron Light on drums. In Europe I have Ricky Evensand on drums and Sampo Axelsson on bass.

Mike has participated in Ayreon (Arjen Lucassen's project) as a guest on a couple of his albums, has he helped you as a band to be better known after these collaborations? What was it like working with Arjen?

Oh definitely, no-one would know what the hell we are doing without Arjen. I’ve sung on the last 3 Ayreon albums, and on some live shows. Arjen is a pleasure to work with. Very polite and very driven. A true visionary!

How is the pandemic affecting you, have you been able to give a concert this past 2020?

It’s been weird, I haven’t played any shows since 2019. Australia is slowly starting to open up again so maybe in this coming year. I’ve been sinking my teeth into the livestreaming thing, it’s been awesome fun and a great way to still connect.

Do you have any dates closed for this 2021?

Nope not at this stage.

I think you were in Spain in 2017, how was the experience?

Yes! It was a blast, I would love to come back to Spain once all this pandemic stuff is over.


For our part it is all, good luck with your new album and we hope that you can show your album live as soon as possible and that you can come to Spain.

Thanks for the chat!