Interview with Cari Crow (sister): 'We always aim to do a better album than the last one. This album is more elaborate and we’ve had time to work on the details'.

sister photo band

Sister is a band from Sweden that on February 26 released their fourth album "Vengeace Ignited. A few days before we were able to interview Cari Crow (drums) who kindly told us about the new work and the immediate future from the band. 

Thank you very much for your time, how are you?

I´m very well thank you and thanks for having us.

How is the reception of your singles being?

I think it has been very good. Our intention with the singles was to show the whole spectra of the new album. The opening and title track “Bring Out the Dead” and “Vengeance Ignited”, the fast melodic and trashy “Die with a Smile”, the heavy metal beast “Primal Rage” and the rock anthem “Scream for Pleasure”. The feedback has been great, our fans seem to like it and the digital playlists are picking it up. It’s all good.

It is your fourth album, first with Flick Records. Have you changed from an American label to a Swedish label? Was it closer to you, do you know each other better, etc etc?

Yes we have changed from a US based label to a Swedish. The communication parts are a lot easier. Metal Blade is a large label with many bands in the same genre. With Flick we are so far the only metal band and they are based in Stockholm. It was a gamble from our side to take the risk and leave Metal Blade with an ongoing deal but we feel we did the right thing. We needed something new and so far we have a good vibe with Flick Records.

What differences are we going to find in "Vengeance Ignited" with respect to "Stand Up, Forward, March !"? It sounded heavier, darker and even more modern to me.

A developed Sister sound and I agree with your above thoughts. This album shows where we are today. I think this album is more complete. We always try to stick to our original idea of the band but also we don’t want to make the same album all over again. We always aim to do a better album than the last one. This album is more elaborate and we’ve had time to work on the details. Still not being overworked, we want to keep the original rawness of the songs.

You have released albums almost every two or three years but nevertheless since "Vengeance Ignited" to your previous album five years have passed. What made you take longer in this case?

The switch from Metal Blade to Flick Records took a long time. During this period our guitarist left the band. By the time we´ve replaced him, we decided to part ways with our bass player. Then it was time to find the right guy for that spot. When everything was on place, the Pandemic hit us all. Also, me and Jamie left Stockholm and moved south. All these parts together forced us on hold and took time. But we´re happy we survived it and are now more focused than ever.

How was the process of writing and recording the album?

The writing process was very divided. We worked with material from the early SFM sessions that never got ready, Phil came in with some new riffs and ideas and Fredrick as well. So it´s a mix of old, new and last minute material on the album. 

Recording was very similar to the SFM album. We worked with producer Jona Tee in his studio in Stockholm.

Is there a main composer or do you do it among all the members of the band?

We don´t have a main composer and we’ve never had one. All of the band contributes. Me and Jamie write pretty much all the lyrics and melodies. Phil and Fredrick wrote the music to most of the songs except the ones that we’ve already started worked on before they joined the band. Also producer Jona does a great job working on the details in our songs.

What is your inspiration when writing the lyrics?

There’s a lot of emotions in our lyrics. Anger and frustration usually gets there. Late night thoughts about life, what happens when you die etc, Things that you don’t usually talk about in your everyday life. 

To me it’s like therapy to write about things that you don’t agree with or feel frustration about. Things that we see in todays society that’s gone insane. I don’t write when I’m happy and the sun is shining, then I want to do something else.

Do you think this is the band's best album so far?

Yes, I do think so. That is always the feeling when the material is new and fresh. But I really think we found a great sound and that the songs are really good. Energetic and raw. It’s a rough and powerful album.

How is the pandemic affecting you?

Cancelled gigs in 2020 and a lot of planning and rescheduling during the recording process. Also a brand new album out and not a single date planned ahead. This is the first time in the bands history that we don’t have any gigs booked. The only positive thing is that we couldfocus a lot on the recording and promotion for the album and that we’ve already started working on new material for future releases.

These are difficult times. How do you see that the bands finance themselves
through streaming concerts?

I wish I had an answer. The amount of work, time and money it would take to do a live streaming concert that look and sound good.. I just don´t think it’s worth it and honestly, that is not what I wanna do in terms of performing live.

In Spain they are beginning to do concerts but with the public seated and in very small capacities. Can you imagine a concert of yours with the audience seated?

Worst case scenario, but yes I guess so.

You have toured with great bands like UDO or Skid Row, we suppose you miss the stages.

Oh yes, you really can feel it now when more than one year has passed since our last gig. It’s insane. That was some great gigs that you mention, when we toured very intense.

You have visited Spain several times, what memories do you have of Spain?

I have many memories from Spain both personal and with the band. Of course our mighty performance at Sonisphere Festival in Madrid 2012 was insane. To open the big stage before Metallica and Slayer is just beyond our wildest dreams. Also many gigs at the clubs in Barcelona, Madrid and smaller cities is always great. Tapas and Sangria on the days off, I love it.

in 2013 we had an until-the-morning-afterparty in Madrid on tour with CrashDiet. When we got back to the club, our bus had left without us. Tour manager and members from all of the band.. On it’s way to the next city. That was a crazy night.

For our part it is all, very good luck with your album, and we hope you can tour as soon as possible and that we hope you can return to Spain to show your new album.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. I really hope that we can come back to beautiful Spain soon. We can’t wait to perform the new songs live for you.

Thank you,