Interview with The Baboon Show: 'Been hard this year though but it will come back. As soon as we’re having the possibility to do this again, I’ll hit my drums twice as hard, with tears of joy in my eyes. That’s a fucking promise!


The Baboon show

The Baboon Show is a Swedish band that needs no introduction, on December 11 they released the EP "I Never Say Goodnight" and thanks to Fever! Productions we were lucky enough to interview their drummer Niclas Svensson who kindly told us about the new EP and about the current situation.

Hello, thank you very much for your time. How are you?

I’m pretty fine, thank you. Sitting on a plane to Berlin, having a coffee and answering this interview. I’ve had many really bad days this year but I’ve been physically healthy at least. The world is a fucked up place right now (more than usual) and there are many people who have suffered far more. I’m trying my best being humble and respectful to the reality of this world pandemic.


Due to the current theme of the pandemic, you said that releasing a new album and not being able to tour was useless so now you are releasing the EP "I Never Say Goodnight". Is it new material, or does it come from the recording of your last album?

We didn’t want our fans to have to wait for too long for something new from us. That’s why we decided to release the new EP. It’s three new songs and an acoustic version of our classic ”You Got A Problem Without Knowing It”. The songs are new. They’re from the same recordings and studio sessions as the upcoming new album.

 And yes, we want to do it the proper way when the fullength album is released, release parties, touring and all that. The album will be a killer and it deserves the full attention when it’s out, with touring etc.


Is it a transitional album, or does it give us clues about what your next LP could be?

The material on the EP is pretty heavy stuff, though it sounds for sure very much The Baboon Show. Our guitar player Håkan said a good thing in an interview some time ago that was stuck in my mind, that the high energy of The Baboon Show doesn’t always come with how fast you play. It’s how you play it, and with that comes the energy and attitude of it. The upcoming fullength LP will have more variation. It will be a good mix of songs, also with a few surprises a bit here and there


 How was the writing process, did you plan to release it after "Radio Rebelde" or did it arise due to the issue of the pandemic?

All our new songs for both the EP and the upcoming album were written before the pandemic. We have more time now though, due to the pandemic, so maybe there will be more songs written and recorded before we release the album.

 The truth is that your songs sound like hymns, what do you inspire when composing and transmitting that energy and good vibes?

You don’t have to search for long to find topics that gives you inspiration for writing lyrics. The world is full of injustice, capitalism, racism, sexism and other things created by the neo-liberal world order. If you combine these serious topics with some high-energy rock’n’roll music and a little sence of humour you get The Baboon Show. I must also add that we are basically just normal working class people who happen to be in this band together. We’re not pretending to be something we’re not. I think people feel that when watching our show or listening to us.


"Radio Rebelde" has been a great success and you have toured a lot presenting it, How is the pandemic affecting you in that regard, have you been able to play at least in Sweden? In Spain the concerts are totally paralyzed

When the pandemic became a reality to all of us, all shows were cancelled, also in Sweden. I think it was pretty much the same everywhere


Where did the idea of singing a part in Spanish in you got a problem without knowing it come from? The truth is that your Spanish sounds great.

Hehe! Actually I don’t remember exactly who came up with this great idea. Maybe it was our Catalonian label and merch guy Dr. Rock? It’s always fun to try new things and to surprise people. The last years we’ve also played pretty much in Spain. So why not? 


We are living a very difficult situation for musicians, can you live exclusively from your music in these uncertain times?

Totally not.


On the other hand and fortunately, it seems that the role of women in society and in music is beginning to have greater importance. How do you see women in music and especially in rock music, do you think there is still machismo?

There are more and more women in the rock scene. That’s great to see, but we still have a long way to go. 50% of the world population are women. It’s hard to believe that we still, in this modern age, are separating the value of the sexes and behave like we’re two different creatures.

 Sometimes after our shows guys come to Frida and Cecilia and ”test” them, asking them stupid questions if they’re wearing a band shirt. They would never do this to me and Håkan. And these people actually bought tickets to see our show. What a fucking weird and stupid behaviour! Idiots! The Baboon show is an equal unit and will forever be so


In the past, how have you been able to reconcile your family with being on the road? I think you all have children, right? Hopefully you can get back on the road soon.

Yes, we all have children and it takes a lot of planning. We’re also lucky to have very supportive loved ones around us.


At the beginning of the year you were able to come to Spain, you are already regulars to our country and your concerts are memorable and every time you come you do "sold out", where do you get that energy on stage?

Yes, we did some shows in Spain before shit hit the fan. Really good ones I remember. The last one was in Villena on February 1st. I remember this so well because the day after I managed to get home just in time to go to the Liam Gallagher show in Stockholm. That was also the last concert I saw this year.

 And yes, we’ve been touring in Spain quite a lot the last years. Amazing shows and an amazing audience. We really love it there and we feel so welcome everywhere we go. We get our energy from being able to do what we love to do the most, playing shows in front of a happy sweaty crowd. Touring and live gigs is our passion. It’s about the chemistry between band and audience. 

That’s where the magic is and I wouldn’t change it with anything in the world. Been hard this year though but it will come back. As soon as we’re having the possibility to do this again, I’ll hit my drums twice as hard, with tears of joy in my eyes. That’s a fucking promise!


What do you think of the Spanish public in general?

Like I said earlier, an amazing crowd! They make us feel so welcome and they really know how to interact with us. We love all of you crazy mother fuckers over there!!!!! We can’t wait to come back as soon as this shit is over!

For our part that's all, good luck with your EP, Merry Christmas and Happy 2021! I hope you can play live soon and we can see you soon in our country. stay safe!

I want to send a special greeting and shout-out to our fanclub chapters around your country. You rule!!! 

Eskerrik asko! Moltes gracies! Muchas gracias! ❤